Monday, March 2, 2015

Mitch and His Dad

Mitch was a freshman who was in wrestling, and committed a tremendous feat. A year prior to this, his father has been diagnosed with an incurable type of cancer, which left him to live on borrowed time. Knowing it was possibly the last year having his father around, Mitch knew he had little time to waste.

He wanted to dedicate his success to his father, and devoted himself day by day to working out so that he could be strong enough to win. Every morning, he'd go to the gym and lift weights. Mitch practiced even when there was no practice. He had a goal in mind, and he was going to achieve it.

Several months later, he won his final match. 
His father got to see months of effort pay off in a single moment. To see the smile that lit up his face, Mitch knew that (at least for an instant) his father had forgotten about his illness. Which was the goal all along.

There is so much to say about this one story. I can't imagine how painful it must've been to work so hard knowing that the person for whom you're doing everything might not even live long enough. Mitch wanted his dad to feel proud of him before he was gone, he wanted to share a happy memory with his father so that he could look back on it later, and achieved it. I don't think I could ever have the type of dedication that Mitch had, I am so impressed by his achievement, which shows that anything is possible with the right determination.

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