Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."
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-James Freeman Clark

I'm sure there is some truth to this quote that not many of us take into consideration whenever we decide to do something. However, doing something bad, is a catalyst, a turning point in which you start doing it even more, and more. Your life might go downhill because of a single bad thing you decided to do. But what if you could've done something that would've made you a legend in the eyes of mankind, something that would've impacted the world for years to come, but was prevented by a stupid mistake? You never know how badly your choices could impact your future.

Elementary School Teachers

Duties and Responsibilities:
Elementary school teachers prepare younger students for future schooling by teaching them basic subjects such as math and reading.

The annual salary for teachers is about $53,090.

Elementary school teachers need to have at least a bachelor's degree. Public school teachers must also have a state-issued certification or license.

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Would I want to be an elementary school teacher? Not particularly. But my father is, and I just wanted to get a little more insight on his job when I did the research for this occupation. There still isn't much I know about what exactly would "float my boat" when looking to take up a career in the future, but I felt that it would be pretty interesting to look up a job, even if I wasn't really looking at one that I want to be.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Student Success Statement

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
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- Charles Ketterer

This quote is one that I've considered subconsciously many, many times in the past. You can start molding your future by the actions you start doing now. It's no longer about "reacting" to what life throws at you, it's actively "taking charge" of your life. I'm sure even Johnny Depp didn't become such a renowned actor just sitting around, waiting for life to make him rich and famous, he took charge of his life and made something great of himself.
It's something to consider, don't let life pass you by, because then you'll catch yourself wondering, "if only I'd done this, when I had the chance,".

"Bless You"

People say bless you when you sneeze due to a custom that derived directly from the time of the bubonic plague in AD 590.

Whenever someone was witnessed to be sneezing, it was viewed as a warning symptom of the plague, and so many would answer "God bless you!" in response.

This saying was often said in hopes of counteracting the disease (i.e. someone says, "God bless you," God will bless you and uplift the virus).

This saying originated in Europe during the time of the plague, from Pope Gregory who'd been raised to the term of papacy in that time, and wanted to prevent spread of the disease through extensive prayer and worship.

Even today, we all continue to say this, although the "god" has likely been dropped due to the political world that we've evolved into today. It has become a custom nearly everywhere, and is often considered polite to say so when someone sneezes. I honestly find it hard to believe that a tradition could've descended so far, and extended into so many regions. I'm so used to saying, "bless you," that I didn't even realize it was a tradition because it was inbred to me as a child. Cool, right?

Friday, February 20, 2015


Rachel Castillo

What would you do with $36,000 dollars? The most plausible reaction would be to: celebrate, spend it, go on a trip, have fun, right? Well, what if you found those $36,000 dollars on the floor? The answer would probably be the same.

Rachel Castillo was an employee working at a golf course in Miami, Florida when she found a bag with a whopping $36,000 dollars in cash, lying abandoned. She immediately contacted the police, and the owner of the money was identified as a 76 year old man with declining health.
Rachel is commended for her act of citizenship, returning the money instead of thinking about spending it. She did a great deed, and says that it is all due to her upraising: Do not steal, do not lie.

This leaves a question, would you have done the same thing, in her place?

I think that in her place, I would've done the exact same thing, but not because I was a good person or anything, but because I'd be scared to do anything with that money. People would question it, they would ask me how I suddenly have a lot of spending money, and my guilt wouldn't be able to fabricate a lie in defense.
Rachel, on the other hand, did things because she was genuinely a good person, and I commend her for that. In this world, there are very few of those.

Student Success Statement

"Ask yourself, is it right or wrong and act accordingly."
- Otto Graham Jr.

This quote is something that I like, reaching out not to the universal perception of what "good"and "bad" but specifically to your perception of what is wrong and right. If I feel wrong doing something, then I know that it's wrong. I particularly like and agree with this statement because it encourages you to go with your instinct, not someone else's.

Health Information Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health Information Specialists organize and manage health information data

Health specialists make approximately $34,160 per year and $16.42 per hour

Health information specialists usually need a postsecondary certificate to enter the occupation, although they may have an associate’s degree. Many employers also require professional certification.

I think that I wouldn't take this job unless it was a pre-career job that I could work on while I study to become something else. I'm not entirely sure that I would go for a salary as low as $34,150. Which, although a decent salary for one person, would hinder my comfort if I were to start a family. I think not only about my finiancial security in the future, but for possible children. I would want to give them the best life possible, and I think that becoming a health specialist would only be a stepping stone towards another (higher) goal.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Colonel Daily and Miles

    In the state of Ohio, a little boy by the name of Miles found a stray $20 dollar bill lying askance on the pavement. Jubilant and anxious, he picked it up with the intention of spending it on a video game. However, he changed his mind when he walked into a diner and saw a man in uniform on one of the tables.
    He was instantly reminded of his father, a former soldier, who died in action.
    This young boy simultaneously knew what he would spend his money on: he would buy food for that man in the diner. He even handed the soldier a post it note telling him how his [Miles] own father had been a soldier, and in his memory, he wanted to "pay-it-forward"so that the soldier wouldn't need to pay for his meal.

I thought that this little story was very cute, and I am continued to be impressed by the small videos presented to us in class, to see so many people with so much more integrity in the pinky of their finger than I do in my entire body.
    I don't think that I'd ever be as honorable of this boy, not even if I tried.
    In this situation, I wouldn't even have considered spending my twenty dollars on someone else, it's simply not in my nature, and I don't think it could be, even if I tried. 

Student Success Statement

"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
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- Alexander Pope

I don't entirely understand this quote enough to defy it, so I'll just opt to agree with it. It is admirable to do your part, and do it well, as opposed to deciding to do something you shouldn't do, which is dishonorable. Suppose a man is married to a woman, his part is to respect and protect her, but if he strays from that objective he swore to complete at the altar, then isn't that dishonorable? Act well your part, and not only will you be respected, and trusted, you will maintain your decency and honor.

Environmental Health Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Environmental Health Specialists use what they know about natural sciences to protect not only the environment but human health as well.

Environmental health specialists get an average of about $63, 570 annually, and $30.56 hourly.

For the majority of entry level jobs, many specialists need at least some sort of bachelor's degree in environmental sciences or in any part of the science field. Despite this, a master's degree may be necessary for advancement.
environmental scientists and specialists image
I looked at the annual wage and my first answer was a  big, fat NO. I don't want to go around being the hero of environmental waste for an average of $63k  every year. I want to have a career that not only makes me feel more interested, it also pays well. I'm not sure I want to pursue a career that doesn't meet my criteria in terms of salary.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
Image result for george washington
- George Washington
(This was honestly the best picture :p)

I've lived by this type of mindset for most of my life, and I've gotten better at the things I'm interested in by surrounding myself with people who possess similar goals and motivations. To go and find myself in a group of people that are a stark contrast to what I want to be, would be utterly idiotic. I try to stick to the crowd that mirrors the person I am, knowing that by staying with them, I'll find myself where I want to be. If I were to spend my time with people who plan on wasting their lives (be it on drugs, or an eternal part-time job at McDonald's) my own progress will be stagnated. I know that, and I fully agree with George Washington, that it is better to be alone, than in bad company.

President's Day

1. What is President's Day?

President's day is a special national holiday.

2. What is the purpose of President's Day?

The purpose of President's Day is to commemorate our presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, although it's also celebrated to honor all of the other American presidents as well.

3. When is it?

This holiday is set on the third Monday of February, around the time of George Washington's birthday.

4. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on President's Day?

A few ways to show honor and respect on President's day are to perhaps invite some people out to eat, or perhaps attend some sort of patriotic event offered by locals. I've never exactly celebrated President's Day, so I can't say for sure.

 Image result for presidents dayImage result for patriotismImage result for 'mericaImage result for funny presidents day

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Right is right only when entire."
- Victor Hugo
I suppose that this is true, something half right, isn't entirely right. It's kind of like telling half a truth and half a lie, it doesn't matter that it is partially true, you are still lying. Whether part of what you said was right is irrelevant. People should tell the whole truth, because at the end of the day, when the person finds out they were lied to, that partial truth won't matter. I suppose some people might attempt to claim that the "cup is not half empty, it is half full" but analogies like that don't come into play in this kind of situation. Right is right, only when entire, and that is something that I most definitely agree with Victor Hugo on.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Student Success Statement

“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where goalpost are.”
- Arnold H. Glasgow

If we don't know where we are going, then we have no way to advance. It is important, it is pivotal, that you have a goal set in mind. Having goals, having a motivation, is what drives us towards success. This analogy is excellent, although I've never thought of life like that, it is very true.

History of Basketball

1. Who invented Basketball?
James Naismith discovered basketball .

2. Where?
 Basketball was invented in Springfield , Massachusetts 

3. When?
 Basketball was invented in 1891 in YMCA

4. How?
Naismith took a soccer ball and a peach basket into the gym and thus. the first basketball game was created.

5. Why?
He invented the basketball because he needed a sport that could be played indoors whenever it was too cold to play outside.

6. What were the circumstances at the beginning?
At the beginning, the game of basketball wasn't as evolved as it is now. Soccer balls were the initial balls used for this sport, before basketballs were being made. All it was was throwing soccer balls in a couple of peach baskets for goals.

7. What as it like at the start?
Like previously mentioned above, basketball was primarily for indoor use, and wasn't known as worldwide as it is now. Uniform shorts were much shorter, and frankly, I feel slightly uncomfortable looking at them.

8. What types of shots were taken?
The basketball could be thrown in any direction with one or two hands, much like today.

9. How is basketball different today than when it first started?
Today, basketball has been evolved a lot more. Specific balls for this sport called "basketballs" have been created, and allow for easier use. Shorts are much longer, and now it is a very popular sport that has people from different schools competing against one another. 

There were many interesting facts that I found online regarding basketball and decided to share them.

1. Back in 1967, slam dunks were considered illegal.
2. Many people believe that by playing basketball, one gets taller.
3. Within five years of retirement, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke (who know what they spend their money on?).
4. The shortest man to ever play in the NBA is 5' 3".

That's all! Haha, ran out of facts.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Christian Lunsford & Tana Herndon

This story was very impacting, to say the least, even if it was just one small act of kindness.

    A boy my age (15), by the name of Christian had wanted to go on a band trip. A few weeks prior to this, Christian received $250 dollars from his father, paying the full extent of the band trip price.
    Then, as luck would have it, it turned out that the father had attained the money by less than decent means. He'd stolen the money, from none other than an old woman, mourning her husband's death in the cemetery. In total, he'd taken $700 dollars from the unsuspecting 78-year old Tana Herndon.
    As soon as Christian found out, he went ahead and returned the money, to the surprise that Tana was so grateful, that she let him keep the money to go on that band trip he wanted.

I was impressed by this boy. I'm not entirely sure if I would've done the right thing and given the money straightaway the way Christian did. $250 dollars is a lot to give up, and yet he did something that would've taken me a while work up the courage to do, without a single moment's hesitation.
It's people like these that deserve respect, and I'm glad that in a world where adolescents are viewed as rebellious drug addicts, there are people like Christian who show that there is still hope.

Student Success Statement

"Only those live, who do good.
- Count Leo Tolstoy

Define "live".
That is my answer to this.
One's definition of "living" may differ to someone else's definition of living. One might consider living as spending their time on the fast lane. Doing crazy things, getting in trouble, having a laugh, making mistakes; that's my definition to "live". And perhaps all these things may not seem good, but that is what I would think would be truly living. Everyone has a different opinion, of course.


Duties and Responsibilities:
Veterinarians care for the health of animals. They diagnose and treat all kinds of animals (i.e. pets, farm animals, etc.)
The median annual wage for veterinarians is $84,460, or $40.61 per hour. 

Veterinarians must complete a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at an accredited college of veterinary medicine. Additionally, although not required, most applicants to veterinary school have a bachelor’s degree. Veterinary medical colleges typically require applicants to have taken many science classes (like biology, and such). The field is very competitive.

I never really considered becoming a veterinarian, but it seems like something I would be interested in. The wage is reasonably well, and the education required to become one isn't as incredibly demanding as other careers in the medical field. I think that the only thing that would really discourage me from this career is the fact that there is competition. I mean, I'm sure that if I liked it enough, I'd try it, but there are also other thing to consider: despite the fact that I love animals, I can't stand being around them because my allergies act up, so who knows what I'd do then. Still, I wouldn't completely turn away the prospect. I categorize veterinarians as humanitarians, and I like the idea of being considered one as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Western Medicine Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities:
A system in which medical doctors treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery. This can also be called allopathic medicine, biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, and orthodox medicine.

$46.536 is the median range in being a western medical doctor

Master’s degree or post-baccalaureate certificate from an accredited program

Western medicine sounds particularly intriguing, but I'm still not quite sure on exactly what it is, so I wouldn't be able to say for a fact that this is the kind of career I would like to pursue. I've been a bit drawn in by the idea of biomedicine, but I still have no idea if it's something I would enjoy.