Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Six Pillars of Character

The Six Pillars of Character

Trustworthiness: To be deserving of trust or reliance; being dependable. 
Ex.  Your friend dropped some money, since you are trustworthy, you pick it up and hand it back to her instead of keeping it.

Respect: To treat others with proper acceptance or courtesy.
Ex. You don't like that one teacher, but you make sure to be polite and say "Good morning" every day..you treat her with RESPECT

Responsibility: To hold yourself accountable and can be depended on to get the work done..and on time.
Ex. Your group is depending on you to finish up the project, and you really want to go to the movies, but you decide to  responsible and prioritize your schoolwork.

Fairness: To be fair.
Ex. You only offered a cookie to your friend, but other people wanted some. To be fair, you gave them some too.

Caring: To show concern and care for others.
Ex. You see your friend trip and fall during a run. Instead of running, you stop and help pick him up.

Citizenship: To be a good citizen.
Ex. You saw some kids up to no good, so you go and tell and adult.

I actually have heard of the six pillars of character before. In my middle school, the Six Pillars of Character were the central motivation for everyone. We even had to buy specific "Binder Reminders" (agendas) from the school that had messages for different days of the year, to remind you to follow the six pillars. We had different months of the year commemorating each pillar, but I think that emphasizing the importance of good character didn't always work for many students. Some thought the idea was dumb, and I think that's true for many highschoolers as well. In my opinion, the six pillars are great! However, only those who are motivated to be good people will actually take them into account.

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