Veteran's Day is a holiday specifically created to commemorate our past war veterans, it's a political holiday that is honored by schools and incidentally, calls for a day off. This holiday is probably one that isn't given as much attention; I mean, it's not Christmas, or Halloween, or even Valentine's Day. I believe it's safe to say that the general population doesn't see Veteran's Day as anymore than a day off of work. What is the difference to the kids between President's Day, Memorial Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, and Veterans Day? None. What about the ones who do know the difference? They go on to shower endless praise on these war veterans.
I view this day differently.
There are many people (not unlike me) that have no right to this holiday, people who aren't veterans or aren't associated with veterans. War to me, seems like a horrible fantasy worlds away from the bubble of secluded ignorance and stagnating passivity that I live in. War to me, doesn't seem real. Despite this, I continue to read articles and draw conclusions on what type of holiday we're celebrating, what cause are these people putting their lives on the line for?
Veteran's Day to me, it seems like we are honoring respectable, noble people fighting for a worthless cause. Is a little bit of oil really worth our lives? I admire and respect veterans, and yet, I still wonder if our veterans are fighting and dying because they believe in what they're fighting for, or only seeking financial benefits.
I'm not saying that seeking economic stability through military time compensation isn't okay, but the fact that we have veterans that risked their lives for stupid reasons bothers me. Are we fighting any defensive wars? No, we're not.
We haven't fought for anything but our country's superficial interests.
Veterans Day is a consistent reminder that people risked their lives so that we could conquer more material goods, kill more civilians, and maybe get free money to go to college. I admire these people, but I also wonder what led them to fight a war.
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