Something that I've always been interested in doing more in-depth research about is making bento boxes.
For those who don't know what bento boxes are, the easiest way to define them is simply by saying that they are the Japanese equivalent of packed lunch boxes. Except of course, bento boxes are more than just a small grilled cheese sandwich with some apple juice. Most of the time, bento boxes consist of white or fried rice made into cute figures, an assortment of vegetables or fruits, and some type of accompanying meat. However, what you place in a bento box is entirely up to YOU.
I've seen a lot of anime (Japanese animation, for those who want to be more specific) where bento boxes are usually made for a guy by a girl who has a crush on him, or maybe a wife for her husband, or a mother making one for her children. Either way, bento boxes have always caught my attention, and I really want to make some.
Some examples would be:

Notice how healthy they look? Not only do they look absolutely delicious, they also inspire the use of more healthy foods. They look really cool, and so, for this post, I decided to look up a step-by-step so we can all make one. I borrowed this from in case you'd like a fuller description on making bentos.
First you need:
- A bento box (lunch box)
- Silicon baking cups or dividers
- Colorful picks and sauce containers
Make sure you divide the meal proportionally so that you provide an even balance for a healthy meal.
Choose nice colors! It makes the meal more appealing.
Last thing you should be aware of before you start making a bento box is to PACK YOUR BOX TIGHTLY.
Pack your heavier foods first then add lighter foods on the top. Don't forget to add fruits or vegetables to fill in any empty areas.
So, Step One: Add carbs
Fill the bento about halfway, it doesn't necessarily have to be rice, remember, you can put what YOU want.
Step 2: Put proteins
Any kind of protein source should be packed into 1/4 of the box. If it's possible, try to add two dishes.
Step 3: Put vegetables and fruits
The vegetables and fruits should fill in the other 1/4 of the box. Also, try to add two dishes. If you have more dishes, put them in separate containers.
And that's it! For more instructions as to food preservation and pre-preparation, PLEASE use the link that I included. The guide is very interesting and I'd like it if you all tried it out! :D